#prophETS / PropheTIC



Blue Letter Bible


Prophecy (21)

Prophesied (50)

Prophsieth (7)

Prophesy (90)

Prophesying (6)

Prophesyings (1)

Prophet ( 244)

Prophetess (8)

Prophet's (2)

Prophets (239)


 United Training Ministries Institute of Biblical Studies                                                                                      



Deuteronomy 13:1-5/If there arise among you a prophet

Ephesians 4:11 And he gave some Apostles Prophets......

Prophecy of Scripture

2Peter 1: 19

Prophetic Patterns

Luke 17:26-32

Prophetic Cycles

History Repeats

Prophetic Types and Shadows

Genesis 22 / Numbers 19

Gift of Prophecy

1Corinthians 14:3

Spirit of Prophecy

Office of Prophet

Judging Prophecy& Prophets Ministry

By the fruits of the prophet (Matthew 7:16-18,20)

Does it Glorify Christ(John 16:14)(1Corinthians 12:3)(1John 4:1,2)

Are the prophecies fulfilled(Deuteronomy 18:20-22)

Does the prophecy produce liberty or bondage(Romans 8:15)

Does the Holy Spirit bear witness(1John2:20,27)


Old Testament

1. Enoch, who prophesied before the Flood on the theme of judgment

Jude 14–15

2. Noah, who predicted the destiny of his three sons’ descendants

Gen. 9:24–27

3. Jacob, who predicted the future of his twelve sons’ descendants

Gen. 48–49

4. An unnamed prophet, who explained to Israel the reason for their sufferings

Judg. 6:7–10

5. An unnamed prophet, who predicted the death of Hophni and Phinehas, Eli’s two wicked sons

1 Sam. 2:27–36

6. Gad, who predicted the nature of judgment that would fall upon David for the king’s sin in numbering the people

1 Sam. 22:52 Sam. 24:11–19

7. Nathan, court prophet who took David to task for his sin of adultery and murder

2 Sam. 7121 Kings 1

8. Ahijah, who predicted that Jeroboam would rule over ten of the tribes after Israel’s civil war

1 Kings 11:29

9. An unnamed prophet, who predicted the name and reforms of King Josiah 315 years before he was even born

1 Kings 13:1–24

10. Iddo, who prophesied against King Jeroboam

2 Chron. 9:29

11. Shemiah, who warned King Rehoboam against a war with Jeroboam

1 Kings 12:22

12. Oded I, who prophesied God’s favor upon King Asa if he would honor and obey the word of the Lord

2 Chron. 15:8

13. Azariah, who prophesied to King Asa as did his father Oded

2 Chron. 15:1–2

14. Hanani, thrown in prison by Asa for rebuking the king’s sin

2 Chron. 16:7–10

15. Jehu, who rebuked King Baasha and King Jehoshaphat

1 Kings 16:1–122 Chron. 19:1–3

16. An unnamed prophet, who predicted God would deliver the Syrians into the hands of Ahab

1 Kings 20:13–42

17. Micaiah, who predicted wicked king Ahab would not return alive from a battle

1 Kings 22:8–28

18. Elijah, the great prophet who opposed Baal worship in the time of Ahab and Jezebel

1 Kings 172 Kings 2

19. Elisha, the successor to Elijah who performed many miracles and who predicted the healing of Naaman and the salvation of Samaria

2 Kings 2–13

20. An unnamed prophet, who told King Amaziah he need not depend upon some northern hired troops to help him deport the Edomites

2 Chron. 25:7–16

21. Zechariah, who ministered to King Uzziah

2 Chron. 26:5

22. Uriah, who prophesied against the sins of Judah and was martyred by wicked King Jehoiakim

Jer. 26:20

23. Oded II, who prophesied in the days of King Ahaz

2 Chron. 28:9–11

Note: This list includes only the non-writing prophets of the Old Testament.


New Testament

1. Zacharias, who predicted the ministry of his son John the Baptist

Luke 1:67–69

2. Simeon, who predicted the future ministry of Christ

Luke 2:25–35

3. John the Baptist, who predicted the ministry Of Christ and final judgment

Matt. 11:9Luke 1:57–80

4. Agabus, who predicted a famine and the imprisonment of Paul

Acts 11:2821:10

5. Judas and Silas, who exhorted believers in the days of the Jerusalem council

Acts 15:22

6. Two tribulational prophets, who will prophecy against the coming Antichrist

Rev. 11:3–12



1. Miriam, Moses’ older sister and Scripture’s first recorded prophetess

Exod. 15:20

2. Deborah, who predicted the victory of Barak over the Canaanites

Judg. 4:4–9

3. Isaiah’s wife, who bore Isaiah two sons whose names in themselves were prophetical of coming judgment

Isa. 8:3

4. Huldah, who predicted the prosperous reign of King Josiah

2 Chron. 34:22–28

5. Anna, the 84-year-old widow who was present at the dedication of the infant Jesus in the temple

Luke 2:36–38

6. Philip’s four daughters, who Paul met in Caesarea during his third missionary journey

Acts 21:8–9


False Prophets

1. Balaam, hired by the king of Moab to curse Israel

Num. 22–24

2. The old prophet from Bethel, whose lying words to another prophet cost the young man his life

1 Kings 13:11–14

3. Zedekiah, who wrongly predicted victory for Ahab in his battle with the Syrians

1 Kings 22:11–24

4. Hananiah, who attempted to refute Jeremiah’s 70-year prophecy, saying the Babylonian captivity would last but 2 years

Jer. 28:1–17

5. Shemaiah, whose seed Jeremiah predicted would be wiped out

Jer. 29:24–32

6. Ahab, a lying prophet whose death Jeremiah predicted

Jer. 29:21

7. Zedekiah, whose death was also predicted by Jeremiah

Jer. 29:21

8. Noadiah, a false prophetess in the time of Nehemiah

Neh. 6:14

9. Elymas, a sorcerer who confronted Paul on Cyprus

Acts 13:6

10. Jezebel, a teacher of immorality in the church at Thyatira

Rev. 2:20

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