the CHURCH Purpose



                       Look What's Happening At

  United Training Ministries Institute Of Biblical Studies

Please join us at one of the following upcoming events.

We are finding our Purpose and Destiny in the promises of God

Join us as we hear what the Spirit is saying about

The Purpose of the Church

Biblical Revivals and Reforms


1. Under Jacob. On the return to Bethel, Jacob ordered his entire household to put away their false gods and to wash and change their garments. This they did as Jacob built an altar to the true God. The false gods were then buried under an oak in Shechem.

Gen. 35:1–4

2. Under Samuel. At the exhorting of Samuel the people put away their false gods and prepared their hearts to serve the only true God.

1 Sam. 7:3–6

3. Under Moses. This occurred when complaining Israel saw the mighty hand of God in the parting of the Red Sea. On the safe (eastern) side of the sea, Moses led the people in a song of praise, while Miriam and the women furnished the special music.

Exod. 14:31–15:21

4. Under David

a. When the Ark of the Covenant was brought into Jerusalem for the first time

Chron. 15:25–2816:1–4329:10–25

b. At the dedication of the materials to be used in building the future temple

1 Chron. 29

5. Under Solomon. This occurred at the actual dedication of the temple.

Chron. 7:1–3

6. Under Asa. He removed the Sodomites and all false idols out of the land. He even deposed his own grandmother because of her idolatry.

1 Kings 15:11–15

7. Under Jehoshaphat. The king led a revival when he ordered the cleansing of the temple and the sanctification of the Levitical priests.

2 Chron. 19

8. Under Elijah. This took place after the contest with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel.

1 Kings 18:21–40

9. Under Jehu. He exterminated all Baal worshipers and their temples.

2 Kings 10:15–28

10. Under Jehoiada. This godly high priest led the people in a covenant whereby they forsook their idols and worshiped God.

2 Kings 11:17–20

11. Under Hezekiah. Like Jehoshaphat, King Hezekiah experienced revival when he cleansed the temple of God.

2 Chron. 29–31

12. Under Manasseh. When wicked King Manasseh became converted, he led his people in a revival by ordering the destruction of all idols.

2 Chron. 33:11–20

13. Under Josiah. This revival began when the Book of the Law was accidentally discovered during a temple cleanup event. The public reading of God’s Word had a profound effect upon both King Josiah and his people.

2 Kings 22–23

14. Under Ezra. Through Ezra’s preaching on separation, the Jewish remnant ceased their ungodly marriage alliances with the heathen of the land.

Ezra 9–10

15. Under Nehemiah. After Nehemiah had rebuilt the walls around Jerusalem, Ezra stood by its gates and publicly read and taught from God’s Word, causing a great revival.

Neh. 13

16. Under Jonah. The Ninevites, through Jonah’s preaching, repented and stayed the destructive hand of God.

Jon. 3

17. Under Esther. This time of repentance and rejoicing followed the salvation of the Jews from the plot of wicked Haman.

Esther 9:17–22

18. Under John the Baptist. John preached the imminent appearance of Israel’s Messiah, warning them to repent and submit to water baptism.

Luke 3:2–18

19. Under Jesus. The conversion of a sinful Samaritan woman instigated this revival in Samaria.

John 4:28–42

20. Under Philip. The strong preaching of Philip the evangelist concerning the kingdom of God produced a great revival in Samaria.

Acts 8:5–12

21. Under Peter

a. At Pentecost, after his great sermon

Acts 2

b. At Lydda, after he had healed Aeneas

Acts 9

22. Under Paul. One of the greatest revivals occurred in Ephesus during Paul’s third missionary journey. This account should b

Ministry unto the Lord

Glorify and Worship God

Chapter 33 - The Purpose of the Church’s Existence  Introductory:

 We conclude our studies on The Church in the New Testament and ask ourselves  "What is the purpose of the Church's existence?"  We will find that the reason for the existence of the Church is basically fourfold. God  had an eternal purpose in mind when He planned creation and redemption. This  purpose was manifested in Christ and it is an "eternal purpose". This great purpose is  THE CHURCH. Nothing will frustrate the eternal purposes of God in Christ and His  Church (Ephesians 3). All things work together for good to them that are called  according to this purpose (Romans 8:26-28).  Let us consider the fourfold purpose for the existence of the New Testament Church.  A. Ministry unto the Lord  The chief purpose for the Church's existence is to glorify and worship God. All  things were created by God and for Him and for His pleasure (Revelation 4:11).  The Church is redeemed to be a worshipping community (Psalms 29:1-2).  Redeemed to worship Him, then to serve Him (Matthew 4:10). It is first upward,  then outward; it is first God, then Man. Worship always precedes service. Study  these Scriptures (Deuteronomy 4:19;  5:9; 6:13; 8:19; 11:16; 12:32; 17:3; 26:20; 29:26; 30:17; Joshua 24:14-24).  Man was created to be a worshipper. Sinners cannot worship God. Only the  redeemed can. Worship must be in spirit and in truth. John 4:20-24 is the major  passage in the New Testament concerning worship and the word "worship" is  mentioned here ten times.  John is told "to measure the worshippers" (Revelation 11:1-2). The redeemed must  worship God by the energy of the Holy Spirit and according to His Word of truth  (John 17:17).  The Westminister Catechism answers the question: "What is the chief end or  purpose of man?'' by saying: ' 'The chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy  Him forever."  Let us consider in outline form some of the major points in Scripture concerning  the subject of worship in the redeemed community.  1. WHO to worship  Man does not know of himself how to worship God and thus creates various  forms, liturgy, ritual, etc. and then asks God to bless his program. The great  danger is formalism, deadness, monotony, and lack of the life of the Spirit  (Jeremiah 3:16, 17; 7:8-16; Psalms 63:1-4).  There is no specific form of worship or order of service laid down in Old or New  Testaments. However, the following ingredients are scattered throughout the  Old and New Testaments. These things show that one, or more, any or all may  be used at any given period of time when the redeemed community meets for  worship.  The key is availability, flexibility and adjustability. "To everything there is a  time..."

Men worship according to traditions and nullify God's Word so often (Mark  7:1-10).  It is GOD who is SPIRIT who must be worshipped (John 4:20-24). NOT God  through any images, relics, priests or ministers, or God of our own concept, but  the God of the Bible who reveals Himself as SPIRIT! Any other worship is  actually idolatry!  2. HOW to worship  John 4:20-24 tells us that we are to worship "in spirit and in truth." This is what  the Father God is seeking for? How much does He really find in the Church  throughout the earth?  Worship is honour, reverence, homage in thought, feeling and act. The Hebrew  word means "to prostrate, render homage, venerate, hold in awe, serve  religiously.''  a. Worship in spirit means that the Holy Spirit is moving upon, energising and  quickening our redeemed spirit to worship God who is Spirit. True worship  begins in the spirit of man quickened by the Holy Spirit (John 3:1-5 with John  4:20-24). How can one not "born of the Spirit", "worship God who is Spirit in  spirit and in truth?" There is no possible way to do this!  b. Worship in truth means to worship according to the way God has set out in  His Word. His Word is truth, so to worship in truth is to worship according to  the Word of God.  The Word of the Lord gives such variety in expression of worship (Psalms  149-150). (The Student is referred to "The Tabernacle of David" which deals  more fully with this subject).  Singing and speaking praise to God, lifting hands, kneeling, prostration, and  clapping of hands, lifted heads, silence, worship, etc. are involved in the  various expressions of worship in truth. Musical instruments also are included  (Hebrews 4:15; 12:1; 13:15; I Timothy 2:8; Psalms 3:3; 19:14; 22:22, 25;  28:2; 34:1; 42:5, 9; 49:1-3; 63:4, 5; 95:6; 121:1; 134:2; 141:1; 143:6;  Lamentations 3:40, 41; Isaiah 45:23; Luke 11:21; 22:41; 24:50; John 11:41;  17:1).  3. Old Testament Order of Worship  In the Old Testament we see WHO (The Person), and HOW and WHEN (The  Times), and WHERE (The Place) and the ingredients of worship set out here  which ingredients follow in principle into the New Testament Church.  Israel was "The Church in the Wilderness" (Acts 7:38). They were the redeemed  community and become a type of the New Covenant Church (I Corinthians  10:6, 11).  a. Weekly Sabbath day was set aside for rest and worship (Psalms 41:4;  81:1-3; Psalms 92, Title; Exodus 31:12-17; 20:8-11).  b. Freewill occasions and gatherings at the Tabernacle of the Lord took place (I  Samuel 1-2; Psalms 119:164).  c. Festival seasons of the year (Deuteronomy 16; Leviticus 23). These were 

1) Passover — Celebration of Paschal Lamb and deliverance from Egypt  (Exodus 12).  2) Pentecost — Celebration of giving of Law and Corn Harvest (Leviticus 23).  3) Tabernacles — Celebration of fruit harvest, rains, atonement, booths, etc.  (Leviticus 16; 23; Psalms 81:3).  d. The Place where all gathered was where His Name was recorded, i.e.  Tabernacle of Moses, Tabernacle of David, Temple of Solomon. The place of  the altar and ark (Deuteronomy 12; 16 with Matthew 18:20). Patriarchal Altars  were also symbolic.  4. New Testament Order of Worship  The New Covenant community follows the basic principles typified in the Old  Covenant Church.  a. First day of the week assembling together (Acts 20:8; I Corinthians 16:1).  The resurrection of Christ took place the first day of the week (Matthew 28:1).  The Holy Spirit Pentecost took place the first day of the week (Acts 2:1-4).  The disciples broke bread the first day of the week (Cf. John 20 with Acts  20:8). Collections were laid aside the first day of the week (I Corinthians  16:1).  b. Believers seek the Lord individually as New Covenant priests.  c. Festival occasions of the year, i.e., Camp Meetings, Special times and  seasons of the year.  d. The Person and Place — Christ Jesus (John 1:14-18; 2:19-21), and then the  Local Church (Matthew 18:20; Hebrews 10:25; John 4:20-24; Ezekiel 11:16; I  Peter 2:5-9; Revelation 1:6; 5:9-10).  5. Old and New Testament Ingredients of a Worship Service  The basic ingredients of a worshipping service of the priestly body are seen in  these things. These things are the WHAT and the HOW of worship in truth.  a. Ministry of Music  Colossians 3:16; Ephesians 5:17-18. Tabernacle of David order. Psalms,  Hymns, Spiritual Songs. Good melodies and words for congregational  singing. Psalms 100; 150. Instruments of music, however, never to replace  the instruments of the believers, individually and corporately. Music to the  Lord, to the saint, and also to the sinner. Song leader must have ministry in  this area. (Refer to Guidelines for "The Service of Song".)  b. Prayers, Thanksgivings, Intercessions  I Timothy 2:1. Prayer for kings, rulers, authorities. His house to be a house of  prayer for all nations. Includes adoration, thanksgiving, petition and praise  (Isaiah 56:7; Matthew 21:13).  c. Tithes and Offerings  Malachi 3:6-10. An act of worship. Not to be belittled or apologized for.  d. Ministry of Word  Psalms 40:9; 138:1-2; Deuteronomy 6:3-15; 11:13-21; Malachi 2:1-7. Priests  and Levites teach the Word. The Word is above all things. It is the HUB of the  service. All that precedes and follows relates to it as the spokes of a wheel to  the hub. The meeting falls apart without this hub; the preaching, teaching

ice exhorting the Word, the sword of the Spirit. Note the ministry of the Word in  the Book of Acts.  e. Ministry of Members of Body  I Corinthians 12-13-14. Testimony, sharing, items, exhortations, Scripture  readings, etc. (I Corinthians 14:26).  f. Gifts or Charisma  Gifts of the Spirit should be evidenced (I Corinthians 12-13-14). Fellowship.  g. Ordinances  Water Baptism, Laying on of Hands, Confirmation, Communion, etc.  h. Announcements — Bulletin or brief announcements time.  i. Benediction  Worship is judged as to its final analysis whether it (1) Glorifies the Lord, and (2)  Edifies the worshipper in the most holy faith to minister to the world. The Church  is called first to minister to THE LORD. All other ministry will only be as effective  as this ministry is (Psalms 50:23; John 15:8; Titus 2:10; I Peter 2:9; 4:11;  Romans 15:6, 9; Ephesians 1:5, 6, 12, 14, 18; 3:21; II Thessalonians 1:12).  Read also I Chronicles 16:5; 23:30; II Chronicles 5:12-14; I Chronicles 16:4-6;  25:1; concerning instruments of music and the singers.  The Book of Revelation shows the redeemed WORSHIPPING God and the  Lamb (Revelation 4:4-11; 5:1-14). As we present our bodies a living sacrifice  then we can move in priestly ministration and service (Romans 12:1-2).  6. Practical Guidelines for Leadership  a. The Service should be one unified and harmonious whole. God has a  purpose for each meeting. Move from part to whole, whole to part. Seek the  guidance of the Holy Spirit. Should lead the people out to meet God (Exodus  19:17; I Corinthians 11:17).  b. The Service should flow like a river, not a flood, not a jerky river. River cuts it  own path. The Holy Spirit is a river (John 7:37-39).  c. Ministry of the Word is the hub of the service. All else flows to and from the  Word ministry.  d. Edification of the saints is key to all (I Corinthians 14). Does it edify? Does it  build up or tear down?  e. Glorification of God and Christ by the Spirit. The Spirit comes to point to the  Father and the Son (John 14, 15-16).  f. Variety of the Spirit. Not stereotyped, forms, ritualistic, stiff and starchy. Living  Presence of Christ to be there. Not just emotional climax without spiritual and  Biblical climax. Not old wineskin with new wine, old garment patched up with  new patches.  Revelation is a Book of worship connecting heaven and earth (Hebrews  12:22-24). Allow for the creativity of the Holy Spirit, and His variety.  g. Beware of sacerdotalism, allowing the leadership to do the priestly  ministrations for the people instead of the priesthood of all believers. The  persons who lead the servshould be the most spiritual, not

h. Beware of "me" centred services. Beware of over subjectivity and not  objectivity. Need balance in both, Spirit needs to quicken each area of the  service.  i. Types of Ministry can be:  1) Praise and worship meetings.  2) Prayer and intercessory meetings.  3) Communion services.  4) Foot-washing services.  5) Ministry of the Word meetings.  6) Presbytery meetings.  7) Body members ministry meetings.  8) Choir and orchestra meetings.  B. Ministry to the Saints  The second purpose for the Church's existence is to edify itself,

Conner, Kevin J.. The Church in the New Testament (p. 355). Kindle Edition. 

Ministry to the Saints

Body ministry (saints ministering to one another, edifying and increasing itself in love)

(Militant) (Defeated)(Triumphant) 

B. Ministry to the Saints  The second purpose for the Church's existence is to edify itself, this being done by  the saints ministering to one another. This is the ministry of the Body edifying and  increasing itself in love (Ephesians 4:9-16; I Corinthians 12).  Enough has been dealt with in this text to confirm this fact. We note some of the  major points in connection with this area of ministry.  1. The saints are to be built up in the most holy faith (Jude 1-4). God has given  various ministries for this purpose (Ephesians 4:9-16; Colossians 2:7; I  Corinthians 3:10- 15; 14:26; Jude 20).  The fivefold ministries are to educate the members of the Body of Christ with  the Divine doctrines of the Word (Matthew 28:18-20).  2. The saints are to be built up as to holiness of character and conformity to the  image of Christ. It is the Lord's will that the Church be holy, without spot,  blemish, or wrinkle or any such things. He desires to present to Himself a  glorious Church as His bride (Ephesians 5:23-33; John 15:2; Hebrews 12:10; I  John 3:2; Revelation 19:7; I Corinthians 11:28-32; II Corinthians 7:1).  3. The saints are to be brought into the work of their ministry as functioning  members of the Body of Christ also (Ephesians 4:9-16).  4. The Church is also to be a covering and protection for the saints of God. It is the  house of the Lord and all that a natural home provides, so should the house of  the Lord (Isaiah 2:1-4).  5. The saints will minister one to another (John 13:34, 35; Galatians 6:2;  Ephesians 1:22,23; 5:21), even as the members of the natural body minister  one to another.  a. Love one another (John 13:34,35; 15:12, 17; I Peter l:22; I Thessalonians  3:12;4:9;I John 4:7, 11-12). Love in word and in deed (I John 3:18).  b. Comfort one another. Help, call alongside (I Thessalonians 4:18).  c. Consider one another (Hebrews 10:24).  d. Exhort one another, call near (Hebrews 3:13; 10:25).  e. Edify one another, build up (Romans 14:19; I Thessalonians 5:11).  f. Admonish one another (Romans 15:14; Colossians 3:16).  g. Minister to one another, serve, as deacon (I Peter 4:10). h. Forbear one another, hold self back or up (Colossians 3:13; Ephesians 4:2).  i. Forgive one another, graciousness (Colossians 3:13; Ephesians 4:32).  j. Submit to one another, set in array under (Ephesians 5:21).  k. Subject to one another, as submitting (I Peter 5:5).  l. Teaching one another, instruct, show lessons (Colossians 3:16).  m.Prefer one another, set above in estimation (Romans 12:10).  n. Pray for one another, supplicate, petition (James 5:16).  o. Hospitality to one another, lover of strangers (I Peter 4:9).  p. Greet one another, salute, welcome, embrace (I Peter 5:14; Romans 16:16).  q. Fellowship one another, partnership (I John 1:7).  r. Have the same care one for another (I Corinthians 12:25; Ephesians 4:25).  The human body, with its millions of cells and members, all working in harmony,  unity, and life show what can be in the members of the Church, the Body of Christ! 

Conner, Kevin J.. The Church in the New Testament (p. 360). Kindle Edition. 

Conner, Kevin J.. The Church in the New Testament (p. 359). Kindle Edition. 

Ministry to the Sinner

Go into all the world and preach the Gospel

Ministry to the Sinner  The third purpose for the Church's existence is to minister the Gospel to the  sinner. The more effective our ministry is to the Lord, the more effective ministry is  to the saints, then the more effective should be out ministry to the world, to the  unsaved. When the saints are built up they should multiply themselves. The  Church is to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to the world”' before the end of this  age comes (Matthew 24:14; 28:18-20).  1. God's promise to Abraham included blessing on all the families of the earth  (Genesis 12:1-3). This is the Abrahamic Covenant.  2. God called Israel to bless the nations of the earth as a kingdom of priests also  (Exodus 19:1-6).  3. The inheritance of Christ is the salvation of the heathen (Psalms 2:8: 11:6). The  world’s population in 1982 is almost 4 billion and possibly 8 billion by AD 2000.  And 94% of ordained ministry ministers to 10% English speaking people, and  6% speak to the 90% non-English speaking world.  We are to scatter the seed and win souls (Proverbs 11:23, 24, 30: 13:17; 19:17;  21:13:  22:9:24:27:28:27:31:8-9).  We are to be a light in the world (Matthew 5:14-16).  Signs and wonders are to follow the preaching of the Gospel (Mark 16:15-20).  4. The Church is to fulfil the Great Commission and make disciples of all nations in  this present age (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:5-8; Luke 4:18-21; John 20:20-22).  5. This is the age for the coming in of the Gentiles to be grafted into the good olive  tree with believing Jews (Romans 9-10-11). Here the Gentiles, with the Jews  gather into the Tabernacle of David (Acts 13:1-4; 15:15-18; Romans 11:25).  The Church is to be God's arm of salvation to a lost and dying world (John 3:16).  He sent His disciples out to continue His ministry until out of every kindred,  tongue, tribe and nation there will be those who are the redeemed (Revelation  5:9-10). The Lamb will see the fruit of His sufferings. The Church is to minister

Conner, Kevin J.. The Church in the New Testament (p. 360). Kindle Edition. 

Ministry of Conquering Satan and his Kingdom

D. Ministry of Conquering Satan and His Kingdom 

The Church is to finally bring about the downfall and casting out of Satan and his  evil hosts. We see this in the following points.  1. The Church is Militant and Triumphant (Matthew 16:15-20).  The type of Church Christ will build is a victorious Church. The Gates of Hades  will not prevail against it (Genesis 22:17). It will be militant and come in conflict  and warfare in the spiritual realm with the Gates of Hades (Genesis 24:10). It  will prevail and go forth conquering and to conquer.  The Church will be clothed with the armour of God and the spiritual weapons of  warfare for battle (Ephesians 6:10-20; II Corinthians 10:1-5). The weapons will  be mighty through God; not a militant spirit as in the Dark Ages and the  Crusades and so-called "holy wars" against flesh and blood. Our kingdom is not  of the world system, thus not a physical battle. The warfare is with principalities  and powers and the rulers of the darkness of this world, and wicked spirits in  heavenly places (John 18:36, 37; Revelation 12:10, 11; Acts 12:10; Psalms  9:13; Isaiah 38:10; Matthew 7:13; Genesis 28:17; Isaiah 26:2).  The Gates are symbolical of the places where the ancients held their business  transactions, Council, Law-Courts and entrance to the cities. The Gates of  Hades have to be stormed (Genesis 3:15). The enemy will be bruised by the  seed of the woman, the Church militant and triumphant.  2. The Church and The Keys of the Kingdom  The Church will have the keys of the kingdom (Matthew 16:19); the key of  knowledge (Luke 11:51); the key of David (Revelation 3:7; Isaiah 22:21-22); and  the Lord who holds the keys of death and hades, and the key of the bottomless  pit will be working with it (Revelation 1:18; 9:1; 20:1).  The key is always significant of authority and power. The key is an opener. It  opens and shuts doors, letting people in or locking them out. Peter at Pentecost  opened the door to the Jews and then in Acts 10-11 opened the door of faith to  the Gentiles (Acts 2).  The four keys in Acts were The Word, The Spirit, The Name and The Prayers of  the Church and of all the saints working together.  The kingdom is the rule and reign of Christ. The kingdoms of this world are  subject to His kingdom (Revelation 12:13, 17). The Church is to preach and  demonstrate the power of the kingdom (Matthew 24:14).  The message of the kingdom is repentance, faith and baptism (Matthew 4:16;  3:2). The early Church taught and demonstrated the kingdom (Acts 8:12; 19:8;  20:25: 28:28-31). This kingdom is entered by new birth (John 3:1-5; Colossians  1:13, 14). The law and the prophets were until John, since then the kingdom is  preached and all men press into it (Luke 16:16; Matthew 5:17, 18; 11:13).  Old Testament Israel was God's Church AND Kingdom (Exodus 19:1-6 with Acts  7:38). The kingdom in its present form has mixture of good and evil, but all evil  will be taken out at Christ's advent (Matthew 13).  3. The Church in Binding and Loosing Ministry  a. Binding Ministry — Greek "Deo" = "to bind, to knit, to wind." It relates to the 12:29). First bind the strong man. The tares are bound into bundles first  (Matthew 13:30). Those who are cast out of the Church are bound (Matthew  18:15-20). The Word of God is not bound. Satan is to be bound eternally  (Revelation 20:2 with Psalms 105:22-26; 149:8; Mark 5:3; II Timothy 2:9).  b. Loosing Ministry — Greek "Luo" = "to loosen, break up, destroy, dissolve,  melt." It relates to the keys of the kingdom. The Church is also to have a  loosing ministry. Jesus loosed a daughter of Abraham who had been bound  by Satan (Luke 13:16). Satan has bound his captives and the Church has to  loose these powers that bind (John 11:44; Psalms 102:20; Mark 7:35).  Whatsoever ye bind shall be bound... whatsoever ye loose on earth shall be  loosed (is already loosed in heaven).  c. Heaven and Earth.  “Bound... loosed in earth... bound, loosed in heaven." The Church is the  Body of Christ in the earth, yet joined to her risen Head in heaven.  All power is given to Him in heaven and earth (Matthew 28:19-20). After the  ascension of Christ to heaven the disciples went everywhere preaching the  Gospel, the Lord working with them from heaven, confirming the Word with  signs following (Mark 16:15-20).  He is the possessor of heaven and earth (Genesis 14:18). His will is to be  done in earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:9). The earth totally depends on  heaven for all blessings. Otherwise earth will become dry, empty, a waste  and a ruin without heaven's blessings (Deuteronomy 11:1-21).  The New Testament Church is redeemed to minister to the Lord, to the saints, to the  sinner and finally be used to judge Satan and his evil kingdom. This is the fourfold  purpose of the Church's existence. No wonder Paul said "Unto HIM be glory in THE 

Conner, Kevin J.. The Church in the New Testament (p. 362). Kindle Edition. 

Conner, Kevin J.. The Church in the New Testament (p. 361). Kindle Edition. 

Conner, Kevin J.. The Church in the New Testament (p. 360). Kindle Edition. 

(Judging satan and his Kingdom)

The Militant and Triumphant Church (Matthew 16:15-20)

Genesis 22:17 (Abraham your descendants will conquer your enemies)

The Church and the Keys of the Kingdom

The Church binding and loosing 

04 Feb

The Complete Book of Bible Lists

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05 Feb

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06 Feb

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07 Feb

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08 Feb

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09 Feb

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10 Feb

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11 Feb

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12 Feb

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13 Feb

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14 Feb

The Complete Book of Bible Lists

 12:05 AM - 3:00 AM

 ZOOM / 83064502689 / pw John 316/ Npw 1229193/& FACEBOOK

15 Feb

The Complete Book of Bible Lists

 12:05 AM - 3:00 AM

 ZOOM / 83064502689 / pw John 316/ Npw 1229193/& FACEBOOK

16 Feb

The Complete Book of Bible Lists

 12:05 AM - 3:00 AM

 ZOOM / 83064502689 / pw John 316/ Npw 1229193/& FACEBOOK

17 Feb

The Complete Book of Bible Lists

 12:05 AM - 3:00 AM

 ZOOM / 83064502689 / pw John 316/ Npw 1229193/& FACEBOOK

18 Feb

The Complete Book of Bible Lists

 12:05 AM - 3:00 AM

 ZOOM / 83064502689 / pw John 316/ Npw 1229193/& FACEBOOK


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