The History of the Church
Promise & Prophecy Matthew 16:15-50 / Matthew 18:15-20
Gospels / The blade / Jesus (Matthew 16-18)
Acts / The ear / Peter (Acts 1-12)
Epistles / The full corn in the ear / Paul (Acts 13-28 1Corinthians 12:13)
The Church Age (Ephesians 3:1-6)
The Purpose of the Church
# Ministry unto the Lord
#Ministry to the saints
#Ministry to the sinner
#Ministry of conquering satan and his kingdom
Ephesus > The Danger of Diminishing Love
Ephesus> The Danger of Diminishing Love
Apostolic Church 30-100A.D.
Church=Greek is ecclesia and means called out ones
Church=Hebrew is ekklesia and means called out ones
Mystery of the Church@July
Building of the Church@August
Destination of the Church@September
The Church dispensation (age) for New Testament believers began on the day of Pentecost as the Spirit began to call out and unite believers (1Cor 12:13) into one body, building the church, and will end its called out purpose with the completeness of believers with a rapture.
Revelation 2-3 contexts and contents are seven churches that were in Asia Minor. John was commissioned to write what he saw in a book and send it to the seven churches in Asia. John wrote letters to these 7 churches located in Asia at that time to tell these churches the things which were revealed to him concerning conditions existing in these 7 selected churches. These selected 7 church conditions of diminishing love, fear of suffering, doctrinal compromise, moral compromise, spiritual death, failing to advance, and lukewarness represent spiritual conditions in our churches for today. The church letter we are looking at today is Ephesus at Revelation 2:1-7, the church Ephesus was located in modern day Turkey; it was located on the western coast of Asia Minor with highways connecting it to the most important cities in every direction. Ephesus was founded during Paul’s second missionary journey Acts 18:19
May have been pastored by Apollos, Timothy, and John
Where Paul wrought many miracles and saw much fruit @Acts 19:11-41
Two letters from two New Testament writers @Ephesians 1:1(Paul) Revelation 2:1-7(John)
Where Paul went from House 2 House @ Acts 20:17-21
Worked hard and possessed patience
Had high church standards
Suffered for Christ
Hated the deeds of the Nicolaitians
Rebuke: Rev 2:4
Exhortation Rev 2:5
Comfort Rev 2:7(Promised Reward)
The church of Ephesus was over forty years old when Christ directed John to write this message to them. Under the rule of Rome history reveals the sufferings of Christians Persecution and corruption was within the church and believers were becoming weary afraid and uncertain about their future A new generation of believers had arisen who didn’t have the same fervency of love and devotion as those who first received the gospel when the church was established. Matthew say we are to love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. 1Corinthians 13:1-3 says………….Lets turns there. We the end time believers (church) must have this type of love for Jesus and for our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ.
Smyrna> The Danger Of Fearing Suffering
Smyrna > The Danger of Fearing Suffering
(2 Timothy 1:7
The Persecuted Church 100-313AD
Church=Hebrew is ecclesia and means called out ones
Church=Greek is ekkelisa and means called out ones
Self-study of
Mystery of the Church@July
Building of the Church@August
Destination of the Church@September
The Church dispensation (age) for New Testament believers began on the day of Pentecost as the Spirit began to call out and unite believers (1Cor 12:13) into one body, building the church, and will end its called out purpose with the completeness of believers with a rapture.
Revelation 2:8-11 contexts and contents are seven churches that were in Asia Minor. John was commissioned to write what he saw in a book and send it to the seven churches in Asia. John wrote letters to these 7 churches located in Asia at that time to tell these churches the things which were revealed to him concerning conditions that existed in these 7 selected churches. These 7selected church conditions of diminishing love, fear of suffering, doctrinal compromise, moral compromise, spiritual death, failing to advance, and lukewarness represent spiritual conditions existing in our churches for today. The church letter we are looking at today is Smyrna at Revelation 2:8-11, the church Smyrna was located about thirty five miles north of Ephesus. Smyrna was a rich and beautiful commercial city in Asia Minor and recognized by Rome as it loyal ally and a center of emperor worship. These believers were persecuted and often lost their means of livelihood as a result of their commitment to the Lord. Making a public confession of their faith meant poverty, hunger, imprisonment and sometimes death.
The word lets us know in 2 Timothy 3:12 that all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
The Smyrna church believers had suffered much for Christ
The Smyrna church had been slandered by those from the synagogue of Satan
Satan had imprisoned some of them
Smyrna @2:8
Commendation: Rev 2:9
Rebuke: None
Warning: Rev 2:11
Exhortation Rev 2:10
Comfort Rev 2:11(Promised Reward)
The church of Smyrna was commended for being spiritually rich and was told to fear none of those things that they should suffer. Jesus exhorted them to be faithful unto death that he will give them a crown of life. Jesus exhorted them by saying He that overcomes shall not be hurt of the second death.
pergamos > The Danger Of Doctrine Compromise
Pergamos > The state Church 313-590 A.D.
(John 7:17)
The State Church 100-313AD
Church=Hebrew is ecclesia and means called out ones
Church=Greek is ekkelisa and means called out ones
Self-study of
Mystery of the Church@July
Building of the Church@August
Destination of the Church@September
The Church dispensation (age) for New Testament believers began on the day of Pentecost as the Spirit began to call out and unite believers (1Cor 12:13) into one body, building the church, and will end its called out purpose with the completeness of believers with a rapture.
Revelation 2:8-11 contexts and contents are seven churches that were in Asia Minor. John was commissioned to write what he saw in a book and send it to the seven churches in Asia. John wrote letters to these 7 churches located in Asia at that time to tell these churches the things which were revealed to him concerning conditions that existed in these 7 selected churches. These 7selected church conditions of diminishing love, fear of suffering, doctrinal compromise, moral compromise, spiritual death, failing to advance, and lukewarness represent spiritual conditions existing in our church for today. The church letter we are looking at today is Pergamos at Revelation 2:12-17, the church Pergamos was located about sixty miles north of Smyrna which was at one time the official Asian center for the imperial cult, it was also the center of worship for four pagan cults of that day: Zeus, Athene, Dionysos and Asklepios .The believers at Pergamos were persecuted and under opposition, but Jesus reassured them saying I Know thy works. Jesus recognized their faithfulness. Theses Christians were holding onto their faith and Jesus commended them for their faithfulness. But the Lord reproved them for allowing members who practiced the doctrine of Balaam and the Nicolaitians to remain within their congregation.
The Prophet Balaam should be studied by every prophet who wants to avoid prophets pitfalls .Balaam could give a true word of the Lord, yet he became a false prophet in his personal attitude or way of life . His prophetic example tells that judging the prophet and judging the prophetic word are two different matters. We must judge the content of the prophecy in three areas
1st=Spiritual message must conform to biblical truth
2nd =Statements about the past and present can be checked against the facts
3rd= Predications for the future are judged by whether they come to pass.
The Prophet or Prophetess are judged by their character and fruit of the spirit.
The Doctrine of Balaam is to compromise: Numbers 22-24
Balaam was responsible for deceiving Israel into compromising with the Moabites by committing fornication with their women and worshipping their god Baalpeor
(Numbers 25:3, 31:16)
The Doctrine of the Nicolaitians:
The word Nicolaitians comes from to Greek words one meaning to conquer and the other laity. It is symbolic of the development of a priestly order which ruled over the laity in contrast to Christ command of serving one another at Matthew 23:8-9. The headship of Christ had been set aside in favor of an ecclesiastical hierarchy.
The Apostle’s Doctrine: Acts 2:42
Fellowship, Breaking of Bread and Prayers
The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ: Hebrew 6:1-2
Repentance from Dead Works
Faith toward God
Doctrines of Baptisms
Laying on of Hands
Resurrection of the Dead
Eternal Judgement
The Pergamos church was victorious keeping their faith during persecution but they open the door to destruction when they compromised with the world. Compromise is blending two ideas together, to lay open to danger. Compromise opens us to danger and corruption. God hates compromise. The Spirit of God is calling us to allow the sword of the spirit to expose and remove compromise from our lives. We must first repent of the sin doctrinal compromise, listen to what God is saying, every doctrine must be based on the God’s word. We must know God and his word and walk in obedience to his word
Turn with me to Revelation 2:12-17
The Church in Pergamos @2:12
Commendation: Rev 2:13
Rebuke: 2:14, 15
Warning: Rev 2:16, 17
Exhortation Rev 2:16
Comfort Rev 2:17(Promised Reward)
The church of Pergamos was commended for holding fast to Jesus name and their faith. Jesus rebuked them for holding on to the doctrine of Balaam and the doctrine of the Nicolaitians Jesus warned and exhorted them to repent or else he would come and fight against them with the sword of his mouth. Their comfort was to him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna and will also give a white stone and in the stone a new name written which no man knoweth saying he that receiveth it. DrTinch
Ephesus > The Danger Of Moral Compromise
Thyatira > The Papal Church 590-1517 A.D.
Papal=doctrine of the Roman Catholic
(Romans 12:1-2)(Galatians 5:19-23)
The Papal Church 590-1517
Church=Hebrew is ecclesia and means called out ones
Church=Greek is ekkelisa and means called out ones
My Self-study is on
The Mystery of the Church July
The Building of the Church August
The Destination of the Church September
The Church dispensation (age) for New Testament believers began on the day of Pentecost as the Spirit began to call out and unite believers (1Cor 12:13) into one body, building the church, and will end its called out purpose with the completeness of believers with a rapture.
Revelation chapters 2 and 3 contexts and contents are seven churches that were in Asia Minor. John was commissioned to write what he saw in a book and send it to the seven churches in Asia. John wrote letters to these 7 churches located in Asia at that time to tell these churches the things which were revealed to him concerning conditions that existed in these 7 selected churches. These 7selected church conditions of diminishing love, fear of suffering, doctrinal compromise, moral compromise, (behavior) spiritual death, failing to advance, and lukewarness represent spiritual conditions existing in our churches for today. The church letter we are looking at today is Thyatira at Revelation 2:18-29 the city Thyatira was a vital commerce and trade center located about forty miles south east of Pergamos. Jesus commended the church here at Thyatira for its good works. Jesus knew their works of charity, service, faith, patience. And the last to be more than the first. Jesus also knew and exposed a stronghold of Satan right in the midst of the church. The church at Pergamos was allowing women who called herself a prophetess to teach others that it was alright to mix pagan religions with Christianity. She was teaching and seducing people to commit fornication and compromise morally. In the Old Testament the union of that which is holy and that which is impure is considered by God as spiritual adultery .It was an abomination in his sight. The false teacher was called Jezebel. The spirit of Jezebel references Jezebel in the Old Testament who was the wife of King Ahab. She was an idolatrous woman who had methods to perpetuate her power. Jesus warned the church at Thyatira of coming judgment to this false teacher and all those who commit spiritual adultery by moral compromise. This Jezebel was given time to repent but refused. Those who had been deceived by her teaching were given the choice to repent or face severe judgment. In our churches today most believers are tempted to worship idols of material possessions, recreation, entertainment, career and selfish ambition. Many believers today have made moral compromises and spiritual adultery. Those guilty of moral compromise and spiritual adultery must do what Jesus told those at Thyatira to do repent and then hold fast. We need to hold fast to our integrity. Paul wrote to the Galatians walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. (moral compromise) The works of the flesh are adultery,fornication,uncleanness,lascviousness,idolatry,withcraft,hatred,variance,emulation,wrath,strife,seditions,heresies,envyngs,murders,drunkenness and reveling. The fruit of the spirit are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness faith, meekness and temperance. There is no moral law against the fruit of the spirit. Jesus said by their fruit we would know the true disciples. We need to inspect our fruit of the spirit first, and the fruit of others to determine people morals. Both gifts of the Spirit (1Corinthians 12:) and fruit of the spirit are needed. (Galatians 5) Dr Bill Hamon book helped me to understand the 10 m’s to determine true ministers by the word; its reading had me to check my moral characters first and then others. The ten points to check were:
- Manhood/Womanhood
God makes a man before manifesting mighty ministry@
Genesis 1:26, 27, Romans 8:29, Hebrews 2; 6, 10,1Timothy 2:5
- Ministry
- Message
- Maturity
- Marriage
- Methods
- Manners
- Money
- Morality
- Motive
Thyatira @2:18-29
Commendation: Revelation 2:19
Rebuke: Revelation 2:20
Warning: Revelation 2:21-23, 29
Exhortation Revelation 3:25
Comfort Revelation 2:26-28 (Promised Reward)
The church of Thyatira was commended for their love, faith, service, patience and endurance. Jesus exhorted them to hold fast to what they had until he comes. Jesus exhorted them by saying to him that overcometh; he would give him authority over the nations to rule them with an iron rod. They would also be given the morning star.
Dr Tinch
Philadelphia > The Dangers of failing to Advance
Philadelphia > The Missionary Church 1790-1900 A.D.
(2 Timothy 1:7)
The Persecuted Church 100-313AD
Church=Hebrew is ecclesia and means called out ones
Church=Greek is ekkelisa and means called out ones
Self-study of
Mystery of the Church@July
Building of the Church@August
Destination of the Church@September
The Church dispensation (age) for New Testament believers began on the day of Pentecost as the Spirit began to call out and unite believers (1Cor 12:13) into one body, building the church, and will end its called out purpose with the completeness of believers with a rapture.
Revelation 2:8-11 contexts and contents are seven churches that were in Asia Minor. John was commissioned to write what he saw in a book and send it to the seven churches in Asia. John wrote letters to these 7 churches located in Asia at that time to tell these churches the things which were revealed to him concerning conditions that existed in these 7 selected churches. These 7selected church conditions of diminishing love, fear of suffering, doctrinal compromise, moral compromise, spiritual death, failing to advance, and lukewarness represent spiritual conditions existing in our churches for today. The church letter we are looking at today is Smyrna at Revelation 2:8-11, the church Smyrna was located about thirty five miles north of Ephesus. Smyrna was a rich and beautiful commercial city in Asia Minor and recognized by Rome as it loyal ally and a center of emperor worship. These believers were persecuted and often lost their means of livelihood as a result of their commitment to the Lord. Making a public confession of their faith meant poverty, hunger, imprisonment and sometimes death.
The word lets us know in 2 Timothy 3:12 that all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
The Smyrna church believers had suffered much for Christ
The Smyrna church had been slandered by those from the synagogue of Satan
Satan had imprisoned some of them
Smyrna @2:8
Commendation: Rev 2:9
Rebuke: None
Warning: Rev 2:11
Exhortation Rev 2:10
Comfort Rev 2:11(Promised Reward)
The church of Smyrna was commended for being spiritually rich and was told to fear none of those things that they should suffer. Jesus exhorted them to be faithful unto death that he will give them a crown of life. Jesus exhorted them by saying He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.
Laodicea > The Danger Of Luke warm
Laodicea > The Apostate Church 1900-? A.D.
(2 Timothy 1:7)
The Persecuted Church 100-313AD
Church=Hebrew is ecclesia and means called out ones
Church=Greek is ekkelisa and means called out ones
Self-study of
Mystery of the Church@July
Building of the Church@August
Destination of the Church@September
The Church dispensation (age) for New Testament believers began on the day of Pentecost as the Spirit began to call out and unite believers (1Cor 12:13) into one body, building the church, and will end its called out purpose with the completeness of believers with a rapture.
Revelation 2:8-11 contexts and contents are seven churches that were in Asia Minor. John was commissioned to write what he saw in a book and send it to the seven churches in Asia. John wrote letters to these 7 churches located in Asia at that time to tell these churches the things which were revealed to him concerning conditions that existed in these 7 selected churches. These 7selected church conditions of diminishing love, fear of suffering, doctrinal compromise, moral compromise, spiritual death, failing to advance, and lukewarness represent spiritual conditions existing in our churches for today. The church letter we are looking at today is Smyrna at Revelation 2:8-11, the church Smyrna was located about thirty five miles north of Ephesus. Smyrna was a rich and beautiful commercial city in Asia Minor and recognized by Rome as it loyal ally and a center of emperor worship. These believers were persecuted and often lost their means of livelihood as a result of their commitment to the Lord. Making a public confession of their faith meant poverty, hunger, imprisonment and sometimes death.
The word lets us know in 2 Timothy 3:12 that all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.
The Smyrna church believers had suffered much for Christ
The Smyrna church had been slandered by those from the synagogue of Satan
Satan had imprisoned some of them
Smyrna @2:8
Commendation: Rev 2:9
Rebuke: None
Warning: Rev 2:11
Exhortation Rev 2:10
Comfort Rev 2:11(Promised Reward)
The church of Smyrna was commended for being spiritually rich and was told to fear none of those things that they should suffer. Jesus exhorted them to be faithful unto death that he will give them a crown of life. Jesus exhorted them by saying He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.
Ephesus > The Danger Of Diminishing Love
The Progression of Church
to the ends of the Earth
Jesus continues to do and to teach through his body (the Church)
Christ in Heaven
Holy Spirit on Earth
From Jerusalem to all Judea =Acts 1-7
To Samaria= Act 8
To the Gentiles = 9-12
To the End of The Earth
Acts of the Holy Spirit
The Spiritual Church of the Book of Acts were continuous fellowship braking of Bread and prayers the believers were growing their were administrations , operations and manifestations of the body of Christ , their were manifestations of being justified by faith, ( scripture ) cleansing from sin by the blood of Jesus, (scripture) and having a relationship with God the Father and his kingdom coming , God the son having a relationship personally with Jesus Christ through a born-again, know-so salvation experience (scripture) Water baptism was more than a formality, it brought was acknowledged as an identification with the death, burial and resurrection of Christ, it led to a life of justification continued sanctification, separation unto God in holy and virtuous living and manifestations and ministrations of the Holy Spirit , Signs wonders and miracles were